Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Vehicle Manager Fleet Network Edition 2.0.1061

Vehicle Manager advance your car maintenance, expenses, parts, vendors, contacts, account reminders, and more. Share the abstracts with assorted users application a axial database. This Agile Edition that supports arrangement abutment can be acclimated with a limited Firebird database server. Vehicle Manager Agile provides car and agile owners a axial database for autumn advice about appointed and completed maintenance, parts, expenses, vendors, ammunition usage, and more. Service schedules may be created one account account at a time, or if you prefer, you may save a accumulation of account items as a template, and administer the arrangement to one or added vehicles. Account items may again be added or removed from alone car schedules if bare for appropriate cases. A admonition window will accessible if the affairs starts up if you accept any accessible or behind service. In addition, letters may be run which affectation the account agenda and next due date for one or all of your vehicles. Account and amount letters may be displayed, printed, or exported to a array of formats. You can aswell devise letters for your Locations List, Vendor Contacts, and Vendor Addresses.

Here are some key appearance of "Vehicle Manager Agile Arrangement Edition":
· Agenda alternating aliment and analysis items by miles, kilometers, or hours.
· Clue your vehicle's completed account and expenses.
· Clue your vehicle's ammunition ability over time (miles/gallon, kilometers/liter).
· Keep a database of the locations acclimated on your vehicles.
· Clue accompanying vendors and contacts.
· Set options to clue in US or Metric units

· Minimum 166 MHz processor
· Minimum 32 MB RAM
· Minimum 10 MB Hard Disk space

· Some changes cannot be saved

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Screenshot :

Size: 7.3 mB
Publisher: Visit Website
OS: Windows All

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